Counseling and Therapy FAQs

Wise Body Therapy – Phoenix, AZ

How long can I expect to do counseling with Wise Body Therapy?

The number of counseling or therapy sessions will depend on what you’re trying to work through. Sometimes people find that a few sessions are sufficient. Others choose to remain in treatment for more than 20 sessions.

We may start with one presenting issue and discover that you have some other things you’d like to work through. Others complete their work with me and do what they’ve coined a “tune-up” when something stressful arises. A “tune-up” tends to be one or two sessions.

Why can't Wise Body Therapy take my insurance?

I’ve found that insurance often doesn’t cover many of the claims submitted, and clients pay for therapy out-of-pocket anyway.

Insurance can be unpredictable. It’s hard to get a commitment regarding what will be paid before therapy starts. Therapy begins, and clients often find out their services are not covered. Sometimes this causes their treatment to be interrupted or terminated entirely.

When insurance is used, often a diagnosis is required. There are some situations where a diagnosis creates a stigma and impacts a client’s reputation in some area of their life.

Finally, taking cash or HSA payments allows me to offer a more individualized experience for my clients.

What if I can't afford treatment with Wise Body Therapy?

Don’t let my rate keep you from reaching out! I’m usually able to find a solution that works for my clients. For example, I have some therapy slots for which I allow a sliding scale payment rate. If for some reason we can’t make therapy services work for you financially, I can often help you find someone else to work with. So let’s talk, even if you fear you won’t be able to afford therapy.

Curious how I can help you heal?
Click now to schedule a free consultation!